SARA, the social and autonomous robotic health assistant, emerged from one of our first innovative projects. One of the goals of this robot is to create a better work balance for healthcare professionals. With the increased workload on healthcare professionals as a consequence of the shortage of caretakers, SARA can provide support when and where necessary. Secondly, the robot aims to improve the quality of life for resident clients in nursing homes and hospitals. SARA provides personal attention, specialized care, behavior analysis, and mediation management.
SARA: taking care of each other together
Developing SARA together
SARA Robotics does this by developing the system together with experts from the healthcare industry. They not only take the requirements from the field into account, but most importantly they consider the personal preferences of the end-users as shown in practice. The dedicated team behind SARA has one core belief: developing together with the end-user is the only way to find out what is really needed to make a change.
Want to see SARA in action?
The robot can stay over at healthcare institutions as a test case. Find out how SARA can assist your staff and watch the elderly listen to beautiful stories, sing songs, do exercises, and more. The robot also supports video calling, an added bonus, for staying in contact with family.