Enabling data intelligence at a bank through a centralized data platform on Azure 

Reference Case

Client profile

Client: Argenta
Industry: Financial Services & Banking
Process: Customer intelligence

Argenta is one of the main banks in Belgium, with their headquarters in Antwerp. They value close, personal contact with their customers and aim to deliver the most suitable service for each individual customer.


In the dynamic landscape of banking, our client faced the challenge of having a lot of data from different source systems, struggling among other things with having the data readily available for the data analysts and scientists to use. It was difficult to have a clear view of their customers and to combine the different data for different types of analysis, such as network analyses and fraud detection. The absence of a single source of truth called for a transformative solution.

The bank recognized the need to establish a unified analytics environment. Their objective was to create a centralized platform for data ingestion and transformation from diverse sources. This needed to include a clear overview to monitor running operations. Additionally, the goal was to enhance customer targeting to leverage the large amount of scattered customer data available. We were engaged in building a Sales Engine, complemented by the creation of a Sales Data Mart, to ensure a comprehensive overview of sales which was lacking before.


Together with the client, we created a central analytics environment on Azure, where the data is ingested and processed with Pyspark and SQL to a format in which it can be used by the data analysts and scientists. The solution includes an orchestration framework that ensures that all the different data processing steps and pipelines are started as soon as the required data is available. Logging of all the activities has been implemented, including monitoring dashboards and notifications in case of failures. The quality of the transformed data is ensured by validating the data on multiple criteria before being stored.


The data availability increased through the automated orchestration framework that we implemented. The addition of a monitoring setup together with automated quality checks increased the data reliability. As a result, this enabled advanced analytics such as fraud detection, network analyses and the Sales Engine, leveraging the large amount of valuable data available.

Increased data availability

Through automated orchestration framework

Enablement of advanced analytics

E.g., fraud detection, network analyses, sales engine

Increased data reliability

Through automated quality checks

It’s our vision to create in-house data intelligence. Having Bright Cape experts as reinforcement to the team, has greatly improved our ability to create value from data, in different fields. Together we created a professional environment to further explore and expand our data products.

Tom Matheussen

Product Owner at Data & Delivery, Argenta

Paving the way for operational excellence and data-driven success

This case holds broad applicability for sectors struggling with decentralized data and seeking enhanced operational efficiency. Organizations facing challenges in establishing a single source of truth can leverage our approach to centralize analytics. Contact us and discover how our data-driven solutions can help you achieve your business goals.

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